





Explore what we deliver to our clients, and what’d you expect to find from our reports.

All reports are customized to the client so reports vary greatly in content and design.

Explore some of our features and product, or dive right into our demos below:

All demos are examples, the data nor locations are real


Lightweight Analytics

Our typical report can span from 3 pages to 10 pages, depending on data sets, data regions, and what scope the data is looking at.

Our reports display separate fragments of data, scored and categorized by our models, then analyzed and made sense of towards the end of the report.






[Above] A snippet of a report regarding apple music, and how well the age and location demographic listens to the venues compatible genre/target audience.

Venue Competitive Analysis

Analyze venue data and artist and customer probabilities to generate venue efficiency and competitive forecasting.

Understand the data points being used and how they are relevant to each analysis.






Reference Index
[Above] A snippet of a report regarding our venue competitive analysis, tallying up our data previously explored and seeing where this particular venue stands as a competitive force.